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Qcart tryouts

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Make Up Your Bed and Your Mindĭecisions take energy. Be objective about this, and figure out what you must change to allow your first small step to be a success, or at least have a good chance, as you may still find you have to change or tweak more. But either way, it’s easy to allow obstacles to be your excuse as to why you aren’t eating better or starting to exercise. It’s easier to change something, such as the food you put into your mouth, than it is to add something, such as 30 minutes of exercise.

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Making a change in your habits means you have to look at how your days are laid out. At some point you just have to pick a spot to begin, and then you can figure out if that was the right spot. But that’s no way to live, and it’s certainly not going to produce any changes you want. I get it, it’s easy to procrastinate, to fear failure, to fear change, to just make no decision. And maybe it’s picking that same someone and telling them you are going to walk for 20 minutes 4 days every week for 4 weeks. Maybe it’s picking someone you can trust, announcing your intention to drop all your bread or pasta servings, and replace them with your favorite vegetable (because that’s really and truly where you want to start), knowing that person will totally hold you accountable to your intentions and not let you slide. Maybe your starting point is quite different from that. If you answer anything less, then make it even more simple until your answer is a 9 or 10. Just that one thing.Īsk yourself “ On a scale of 1-10, how easy will this thing be for me to do?” You should answer a 9 or a 10. Walk around the block (or even your yard) once, or 2.5 minutes one way down the street, then back home for a total of just 5 minutes. Add a vegetable to your daily food intake, or replace one of your bread servings with a vegetable. Start simple, so you CAN start, and so you don’t feel like you’re going to fail right off the bat because it’s too many things at once. You’re waiting for the ideal time to start, and that time never arrives. “ When I feel better I’ll start to exercise.” and the list goes on and on. “ When I start exercising THEN I’ll start eating better” “ When I have time, when I get the house organized, when I lose a few pounds, THEN I’ll start working out” It’s so easy to say “I’ll get started when….” The same questions apply to everything, including your fitness and your nutrition.

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What about that butterfly or vegetable garden you don’t have – are you spending time wishing you had one or both, especially when you have to buy more lettuce at the grocery store, and saying to yourself “I’ll start one of those when I know how to do it all”?

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Have you even found your starting point? Do you get frustrated because you don’t know how a book ends, when you haven’t even picked it up to start reading it? Have you said “I’ll start that book when I have more time”?

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